The brief is to include a waiting area of 30 people, operation theatre, day care, treatment room, consultation room, optometry room, laser room, complete with back-of-house facilities for a specialist clinic including manager room, staff area, utilities rooms, pantry and other service rooms into approximately 250 sq. metres (3 unit of shophouses on ground floor). The limitation on the floor area makes the zoning of the space very crucial. All the required spaces are divided into different zoning: Public Zone, Treatment Zone, OT Zone & Service Zone. The inter-connectivity between these zones are carefully planned according to the work flow of different kind of users (doctors, staff, patient & family members)
The usage of glass at Public Zone (along the five foot way) allows controlled natural lighting during day time all the way to Treatment & Consultation Room. It also brings the patient closer to the doctor and feel more welcoming to the clinic. Treatment Zone is more enclosed and controlled zone to provide privacy of the patient & doctor during the treatment. Service & OT Zones are restricted area for staff and operation only.
The construction works took 3 months to complete including mechanical & electrical works which also play an important role for the project. Total construction cost (excluding loose furniture) approximately RM 1.1 million.
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