Tunku Putra International School

The brief was to accommodate 5 schools on the site, with one strong identity. It is to cater to the education of children from ages 4 up to17 years old in both the national and international curriculum.

The school was designed as a collection of communal enclaves within which a child finds a sense of identity as the child grows and develops in the school. The enclaves consist of airy home rooms, spilling into covered play spaces which then leak into the general school compound. The enclaves are linked with covered walkways and shared learning facilities.

Much cosideration is put into the journey of the child throughout the day, and throughout the child’s stay in the school, from the point of arrival, gathering, entering and leaving the home rooms, travelling to and from the enclaves, and eventually leaving the school. The spaces are purposely scaled from the child’s perspective. Every opportunity is taken to allow for play and communal interaction of various degree, from the home room doorsteps, the exagerated seating platforms, the widdened covered walkways to the intermediate transient spaces.